news reader - definitie. Wat is news reader
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Wat (wie) is news reader - definitie

News reader; Newsreader (disambiguation)

news reader         
<messaging> A browser program which enables a user to read articles posted to Usenet. Articles may be stored in a local (or NFS-mounted) spool directory, or retrieved via NNTP. Examples are rn, GNUS, and nn. (1996-04-09)
¦ noun
1. Brit. a person who reads out broadcast news bulletins.
2. Computing a program for reading emails posted to newsgroups.
A newsreader is a person who reads the news on the radio or on television. (BRIT; in AM, use newscaster



Newsreader can refer to:

  • Newsreader (Usenet), a computer program for reading Usenet newsgroups
  • Newsreaders, a television series on Adult Swim
  • News presenter, a person that presents a news show on television, radio or the Internet
  • News aggregator, a computer program for syndicated Web content supplied in the form of a web feed
  • The Newsreader, a fictional Australian television series about newsreaders in the 80s
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor news reader
1. And that‘s the nature of news.
2. It is marvellous news." Reader comments (0) No comments have so far been submitted.
3. It was reattached to the news–reader when the camera had cut away.
4. Herman was a news reader and personality whose poise and beauty earned her an army of fans.
5. She is a former Miss France who was expected to marry the countrys most popular news reader this coming autumn.